Food for Brain & Body

At BrainFood, our main concern is to match the nutritional requirements for a healthy brain and body with the eating patterns of today's Slovenian citizens. We have studied the most recent investigations to understand  how the brain works and obtained a greater knowledge of what drives our eating behaviors.

In our recipes, we are following the food and eating styles that will allow you to improve your concentration, memory and mood, with the additional positive effect  assisting you to lose weight.

Our BrainFood menu includes a selection of brain healthy recipes for better choices in fast food restaurants.

Whereever we can, we use recommended brain foods such as blueberries, banana, spinach, tomato, asparagus, sweet potato, eggs, low fat yogurt, salmon, turkey, skinless chicken, lean meat, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, walnuts, almond butter, avocado, black beans, rice protein, coconut oil, olive oil, cinnamon, garlic, thyme, dark chocolate, green tea.

If you are interested to learn more, click here to access the list of the Fifty Best Brain Healthy Foods and Good Mood Foods.